1. Im having flu now, zzzzz ! Damn moody, kesian the bf *kena scolded by me*
2. Tones of assignment waiting for me, but i'm lazy to do ;( i hate last minute work but i really no mood to start now, helppp!!
3. I felt so so miserable. I don’t know why but I was seriously depressed..
and also how demotivated I was with studying (which happens all the time so it’s not a big deal)
Maybe some present can make me felt better *wink*
you know what i want dear, rite rite?

I really love this new one(Palermo PM) . If I ever get this, i promise i will never skipped class again *as if*
sorry dear, i know im making you broke ;( i know u try your very best to satisfy all my wishlist
My car, the pink laptop, pink MP3, pink camera, pink handphone, the bags..
why am i still not satisfying?.. damn!
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