I got it from my frenster, I personally do not agree that it is all accurate but it is quite interesting, so i am gonna repost this ;D happy reading !
1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl that was best in bed
2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every time they jack off
3) Guys go crazy over a girl's breasts- that's what i called hamsap lou ;P
4)If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You need to give advice but he wont listen to it.- agree!
6) when guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really a serial rapist - becareful ya!
7)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come over to my place"
8) If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
9)When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely horny
10) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
11) A guy would give the world to be able to sleep with a different girl everyday
13) Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you, he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be to take photos/videos of you doing it and spread it on the internet, then dump you.- carefull girls!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by waii (: at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008

Posted by waii (: at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wedding Dinner
Posted by waii (: at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
i <3 FRIDAY ;D
Posted by waii (: at 3:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Posted by waii (: at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
heeelooo ;)
Starting time: 10.12pm
Name: AmyCWH
Sisters: none
Shoe size: 6 or 7
Height: 163cm gua
Where do you live: Kajang
Favourite drinks: fruit juices
Favourite breakfast: dim sum
Have you ever been on a plane: yup
Swam in the ocean: no
Fallen asleep at school: biasa
Broken someone's heart: unintentionally
Fell off your chair? : yes *shame*
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: used to
what is your room like: comfortable
What;s right beside you: printer on my right
What is the last thing you ate: bak kut teh
Ever had chicken pox:left me ugly scars *damn*
Sore throat: obviously
Stitches: no i guess
Broken nose: nope
Do you belive in love at first sight: YES
Like picnics?: depends at where
Who was the last person you danced with?: the bf
Last made you smile: the bf
You last yelled at: my dog
Today did you?
Kiss anyone: yes
Get sick: almost
Miss someone:yes
Eat: yes
Best feeling in the world: holiday
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: lolz
What;s under your bed: dust
Who do you really hate: exam and thesis
What time is it now?: 10.17pm
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:-
1. sit infront of the TV 24/7
2. i love singing
3. goin to art class
4. help my grandma at shop
5. cant remember >.<
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. mamie
2. apollo
3. twisties
4. rota
5. super ring
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. buy all the bags that i lurve ;P
2. travel around the world wiv my families
3. do charity
4. open an animal shelter
5. many many more
5 of my bad habits:
1. super duper lazy
2. skipping class
3. sensitive
4. not drinking enuf water
5. stubborn
5 places I have lived/stayed a night in:
1. home, teluk intan
2. friends/relative houses
3. home, kajang
4. Phuket, Thailand
5. some hotels in msia
5 things I will do after completing what Im busy with:
2. clean my house
3. spend time wiv my family
4. take care of my dogs
5. sleep
Posted by waii (: at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Rain rain go away
Posted by waii (: at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Old town
The bF
The weirdo
Posted by waii (: at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Am now blogging from my Sg.Long home...
Posted by waii (: at 1:09 AM 0 comments