Wednesday, February 25, 2009

hey (:

Apa khabar? FINALLY we have finish/siap/gautim our THESIS !! yeaahooooooo.....
You will never believe what we have gone thru in the process of doing the $#!!^&^* Thesis, but nevermind, since it is done now, and we r going to pass it up this FRIDAY, but wait, we still hav 4 assignments and 4 presentations waiting for us, nOOOOOO!!!
Since its final year, mati mati aso hav to finish all the task lor..
Im having trachea infection disebabkan oleh stress and sleepless night~
whenever i telan food/drink water, my back and front bone will b very very pain
i have never eat full since then, can die weyy.. everynite also im feeling hungry but i dont feel like eating, Doctor said it can become very serious!
sigh, pray hard the medicine can cure me! if not i will bcome kurus-kering! ):

Saturday, February 7, 2009


..i will start blogging again ( :
Sorry for the long absence !! i barely had time to breathe!! BLAME the NEVERENDING THESIS !! sigh !! Can i NOT do it? i dont want to think of it either cuz it makes me crazy and nervous! you will never believe how tense i am ) :
Anyway, i dont know what i am saying here so dont mind me.
Anyway here's the photo for CNY09 (sorry for the delay ya ! im very THE BUSY ok?)

UP: Joonie, JingYan Down: LiQueen, ME (:

ME and CheeHooi (he is half drunk :P )

Pwetty Alysia (:

Red and black (hair i mean)

Brown and black (:

Group photo *not clear*
[ i know i know kel, my camera punya problem ):

Me and LiQueen

Alysia, Hooi and Kel <3

(bersyiok-sendiri as usual)

Okay, thats all for now !! I promise i will update more (:

Have a GREAT weekend ! muaksss <3