Friday, November 28, 2008
Posted by waii (: at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
havent figure it out yet..
Posted by waii (: at 1:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Save Sex on The Beach and LAKSA :p
Posted by waii (: at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Graduation :)
Vitamin C - Graduation
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone with me
We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
As we go on we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can we ever find a job that won't interfere with a tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
As we go on we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
La, la, la, la...
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la...
We will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us around?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
As we go on we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
As we go on we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
As we go on we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
Posted by waii (: at 10:40 PM 2 comments
So damn FREE
Real name: Chan Wai Heng
Nickname: wai
Married: nope
Male/Female: female
High school: Sekolah Menengah Convent, Teluk Intan
College: UTAR
Short or long hair: medium
Are u a healthy freak: a little.
Height: 165cm
Do u have a crush on someone?: At the moment, NO :)
Do u like yourself: Yeah, I do actually. I wish I was taller and no pimples too please.
Piercings: On my ears only.
Righty of lefty: Righty
Surgery: No i think
Person u see in the morning: him or suet-suet(my dog)
Award: When I was in standard 3/4, won some Maths award.
Sport you joined: bola jaring (I wasnt very good at it)
Pet: dogss :)
Vacation: Pulau pinang
Concert: LeeHom
First crush: Probably in Standard 6 ..Cant remember his name anymore though.
Eating: nothing
Drinking: Vitagen :)
I'm about to: midvalley
Your future...
Want kids: Yeah, 1 girl and 2 boy.
Want to get married: Of course, I dont wanna die alone, wtf.
Careers in mind: successful house-wife, wth~
Which is better?Lips or eyes?: Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Shorter or taller?: Taller of course,
Romantic or spontaneous: romantic.
Sensitive or loud: sensitive
Troublemaker or hesitant?: both
Have u ever....
Kissed a stranger?: nope
Drank bubbles: nope
Lost glasses/contacts: nope, I recently broke my glasses
Ran away from home: Thought about it when i was young :P
liked someone younger: never
liked someone older: yes
Broke someone's heart: Unfortunately, yes.
Cried when someone died: Yeah
Do u believe in...
Yourself?: I do
Miracles: Yes, i do.
Heaven: Yup.
Santa Claus: Nope
Magic: Its just an illusion
Angels: yes
Answer truthfully..
Is there someone you want to be with right now?: Yeah
Do u believe in God?: Yes, i do
Posted by waii (: at 5:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Class-mate :)
Posted by waii (: at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Laughter :D
TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America ..
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
CLASS: Maria.
TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.
TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.
TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louis, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher
Posted by waii (: at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
i've cut my fringe yesterday..
looks funny rite? zzzzz ):
Btw, Today is my Bother BIRTHDAY (: wish him all the best in his work, get many many many sales and buy me bags ! wahahah :P
Posted by waii (: at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Uncomfortable :(
Posted by waii (: at 2:03 AM 0 comments